Call Me Maybe
sweet owner

Diaries Owner Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! this is me , ain , 12teen , terengganu , upsr candidates . thankyou visit this blog :D


hye you. here ! Let's talk with me

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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edited By: Ain Aien

I'm Busy now .

hai hai hai and assalamualaikum . 
salam sejahtera daripada ain comel molek . hahah .
tahun ni amat busy disebebkan exam . 
kelas malam , tuisyen dan kem . 
takde mase nak update blog . rindukan kan ? 
ain tertekan skitlah , takleh cerita yer :)
- puteri , miss you . i want see you face to face . 
bila tu ? 
- puteri hotstuff skang , kita coldstuff , whtever :(
- i hope you not forget me , muahh :D

cakap pasal jadual padat , belajar macam biasa jar ... huuuu ~ 
- saya harap saya tak fail lagi dalam exam .
exam tov tak fail pun , cuma berdoa tak salah :D
doakan adik comel ni yeah ! 
pai pai pai and assalam :')